mauK sao tU Aivart khta jaa maQau¸ maidra¸ maadk halaa¸
haqaaoM maoM AnauBava krta jaa ek lailat kilpt Pyaalaa¸
Qyaana ike jaa mana maoM saumaQaur sauKkr¸ sauMdr saakI ka¸
AaOr baZ,a cala¸ piqak¸ na tuJakao dUr lagaogaI maQauSaalaa.
The extent upto which I could translate it:
"The poet is telling to the drink seeker, " You keep uttering words like sweet, wine and intoxicating liquid and feel an imaginary pot of wine in your hands. With the imagination of a beautiful girl who is serving the pot of wine, just go on, you will find 'Madhushala' (the tavern) not that far."
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