September 29, 2005


जिंदगी हर पल नए सवाल खडा करती है. . . .

सवालों में हर बार इक पहेली हुआ करती है. . . .

कब तक इन पहेलियों में जकडता जाऊंगा मैं.....

कब तक अपने विचारों से लडता रहूंगा मैं.....

पता नहीं पर....

अन्‍त की तलाश में शायद खुद मैं एक पहेली बन गया हूं।

September 15, 2005

मधुशाला (8)

लालायित अधरों से जिसने, हाय, नहीं चूमी हाला,

हर्ष-विकंपित कर से जिसने, हा, न छुआ मधु का प्याला,

हाथ पकड़ लज्जित साकी का पास नहीं जिसने खींचा,

व्यर्थ सुखा डाली जीवन की उसने मधुमय मधुशाला।

The extent upto which I could translate it;

" The one who couldn't kiss the wine with his thirsty lips. The one who couldn't touch the cup of wine with his jubilant hands. The one who couldn't snatch the shy bar girl towards himself has dried up his tavern of life. "

September 13, 2005

मधुशाला (7)

धर्मग्रन्थ सब जला चुकी है, जिसके अंतर की ज्वाला,

मंदिर, मसजिद, गिरिजे, सब को तोड़ चुका जो मतवाला,

पंिडत, मोमिन, पादिरयों के फंदांे को जो काट चुका,

कर सकती है आज उसी का स्वागत मेरी मधुशाला।

The extent upto which I could translate it:

" The one whose inner fire has burnt all the religious books and has broken down temples, mosque, church and all. The one who doesn't have any concern with brahmin, mollah and bishop, can be welcomed in 'my Madhushala' (the poet's tavern)."

September 05, 2005

Teacher's Day

The cribbing is from Teacher's Day.

" A day that is dedicated to the hard work that is input by the teacher all year long, a day that is a complete tribute to the teachers all around India. In India teacher day is celebrated on 5th of September. Teachers Day is a dedication to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education and was one of the most well known diplomat, scholar, president of India and above all a teacher. As a tribute to this great teacher, his birthday has been observed as teachers' day and this led to its origin."

मधुशाला (4)

mauK sao tU Aivart khta jaa maQau¸ maidra¸ maadk halaa¸
haqaaoM maoM AnauBava krta jaa ek lailat kilpt Pyaalaa¸
Qyaana ike jaa mana maoM saumaQaur sauKkr¸ sauMdr saakI ka¸
AaOr baZ,a cala¸ piqak¸ na tuJakao dUr lagaogaI maQauSaalaa.

The extent upto which I could translate it:

"The poet is telling to the drink seeker, " You keep uttering words like sweet, wine and intoxicating liquid and feel an imaginary pot of wine in your hands. With the imagination of a beautiful girl who is serving the pot of wine, just go on, you will find 'Madhushala' (the tavern) not that far."

September 04, 2005

मधुशाला (3)

maidralaya jaanao kao Qar sao calata hO pInaovalaa¸
'iksa pqa sao jaa}ÐÆ' AsamaMjasa maoM hO vah BaaolaaBaalaa¸
AlagaAlaga pqa batlaato saba pr maOM yah batlaata hUÐ –
'rah pkD, tU ek calaa cala¸ pa jaaegaa maQauSaalaa.'

The extent upto which I could translate it:

" The drink seeker starts from home with an intention of finding a tavern but he is in a dilemma as to which path he should choose. Everyone tells him different paths to reach there but the poet tells him to choose any one path. If the drink seeker will follow one path (any one) then definitely he will get the tavern. "

September 03, 2005

कैसा हो श्रोता ! (A listener should be ...)

घड़ों का प्रसंग: प्रसंग चार घड़ों का है। एक घड़ा तल से फूटा हुआ होता है। उसमें जितना तरल पदार्थ डाला जाता है, सारा का सारा बाहर निकल जाता है। एक घड़ा पेट से फूटा हुआ होता है। उसमें डाला हुआ आधा जल सुरक्षित रह जाता है और बाकी बह जाता है। तीसरा घड़ा किनारों से फूटा होता है, उसमें काफी जल बचा रहता है और थोड़ा-सा निकल जाता है। चौथा घड़ा संपूर्ण होता है। उसमें जितना जल डाला जाएगा, वह सारा सुरक्षित रहता है। इसी प्रकार चार प्रकार के श्रोता होते हैं। पहली तरह का श्रोता वह है, जो इस कान से सुनकर उस कान से निकाल देता है। दूसरी तरह का श्रोता ज्यादा भूलता है, कम याद रखता है। तीसरी तरह का श्रोता थोड़ा भूलता है और अधिक याद रखता है। चौथी श्रेणी में वह श्रोता आता है जो अक्षर, मात्रा और बिन्दु को भी अपनी स्मृति से ओझल नहीं होने देता।

"The short tale is about four pots. One of them has a hole at the bottom so everything comes out very quickly no matter how much liquid you pour into it. Another one has a hole in the middle so half of the liquid remians while rest of it flows away. The third one is broken down at the edges so most of the liquid remains in the pot and a small amount of it flows away. The last one has no hole and it is completely perfect in its shape so everything that is poured, is retained completely in it.
In the same way, there are four types of listeners. The first one is who lets everything pass away from one ear to the other. He does not retain anything. The second one forgets more and remembers very less. The third listener forgets less but remembers more and the last one is who remembers even minutest things."

मधुशाला (2)

Baavaukta AMgaUr lata sao
KIMca klpnaa kI halaa¸
kiva saakI banakr Aayaa hO
Barkr kivata ka PyaalaaÂ
kBaI na kNa Bar KalaI haogaa¸
laaK ipeи dao laaK ipeÐ Ñ
pazkgaNa hOM pInaovaalao
pustk maorI maQauSaalaa.

The extent upto which I could translate it:

" The poet has come as a wineserver with the pot of wine as his poems, filled to the brim with his imaginations and thoughts. The pot will always be full no matter how much one drinks from it. He calls his readers the drinkers who are to soak themselves in the wine from his tavern which is what he comapares his book 'Madhushala' with."

September 02, 2005

मधुशाला (1)

मृदु भावों के अंगूरों की
आज बना लाया हाला,
प्रियतम, अपने ही हाथों से
आज पिलाऊँगा प्‍याला;

पहले भोग लगा लूँ तेरा,
फिर प्रसाद जग पाएगा;

सबसे पहले तेरा स्‍वागत
करती मेरी मधुशाला।

The extent upto which I could translate it:

"The poet is addressing God as his lover by saying that he(the poet) has made the wine of his sweet thoughts and will serve the pot of wine to him today. According to Hindu mythology, God's blessings are necessary to start a new work. Hence the poet is presenting the pot of wine as an offering to God on the starting of his 'Madhushala'(the house of liquor-pub). His 'Madhushala' is welcoming God as it's first customer."

September 01, 2005


"Madhushala - the house of liquor, pub"
After many days I wanted to read some hindi poems so searched for that in my collection of books. Fortunately 'Madhushala' caught my attention. Actually this was the only book that was left unread due to various reasons. So I started reading it.
As the title suggests, 'Madhushala' is about wine and a pot in which wine is poured and the house of liquor-pub. Mr. Haribansh rai bachhan has portrayed a magnificent sketch of wine sothat no body can resist oneself from feeling like a drunk. He has put all the hues of life and decorated it with his eloquent way of writing.
I remember when some of my friends used to praise this book and advise me to read it but I never showed any enthusiasm for it. Today I realized that they were right. These poems are really heart rendering. I couldn't resist myself to finish it in a single reading. Yes, I should have read this book much earlier.
I have become an ardent fan of this book so from tomorrow onwards, I shall upload one poem of 'Madhushala' daily on 'my blog' with english translation of it.